Ismail Fidan, PhD, Professor of Engineering Technology and Director of the University’s Maker Space at Tennessee Tech University, has been selected to receive the National Outstanding Teaching Award by The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).
Since Dr. Fidan joined the university, he received three sabbatical positions at Nigde University, Turkey as a Fulbright Senior Scholar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory as a Research Scientist, and Micro-Nano Technology Education Center at Pasadena City College as Visiting Scholar. He currently holds four associate editorship positions at IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, ASEE Journal of Engineering Technology, and Journal of Advanced Technological Education. He has 170+ published papers in peer-reviewed journals and proceedings. He is the recipient of the 2003 SME Jiri Tlusty Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, 2014 SME Award of Merit, and 2016 & 2018 SME Distinguished Faculty Advisor Awards.
The National Engineering Technology Teaching Award recognizes proven leaders for teaching in their chosen fields. The recipient of this award has demonstrated enhanced student learning experiences, which has enabled students to excel. This award recognizes individual achievement in innovative teaching in engineering technology and/or applied engineering education, contributions to the scholarship of teaching, and participation in and service to engineering technology education at the regional and national level. The National Engineering Technology Teaching Award was established to identify and recognize those who are among the nation’s most influential educators in the study of applied engineering and/or engineering technology education. The goal is to award individuals whose insatiable love of teaching and learning has led them to strive above and beyond that which is expected of faculty to create learning environments that motivate students to reach outside their imagination and enable students to develop creative solutions to engineering problems in ways that make our world a better place.